Website Manager

California District 33

Our Little League District is located in San Diego California and is comprised of 14 leagues. Our area covers parts of San Diego and La Mesa from Balboa Park to Mount Helix from Highway 94 to Highway 52. Please take a look at our League Boundaries Map and League Finder to see which league you are in. 

Helping young people develop character, discipline and teamwork while maintaining physical and emotional well being through Little League Baseball.  

2025 Dorothy Dupont Memorial Tournament Re-Cap


San Carlos Major Division Royals
Final DDM Brackets:  2025 DDM Brackets (.pdf)
The 16th Annual Dorothy Dupont Memorial Tournament was originally scheduled for March 13th thru 16th but Mother Nature decided to rain on our parade, so we pushed it back a week to March 20th - March 23rd, 2025, at Murphy Canyon Little League Damato Field. Mother Nature rewarded us with blue skies and warm temperatures during the day but chilly at night.

The DDM Tournament is our first tournament of the season, and it was a great four days of baseball. This weekend wouldn’t have been possible without the support from Murphy Canyon LL Board of Directors. With only 6 board members on staff, all pitched in and helped us to get the tournament in the books. Our District Umpire staff made sure each game was covered.  Thank you to all the volunteers from each of the teams that helped with scorekeeping, pitch counting and announcing.

Congratulations to the San Carlos Royals for winning the 16th Annual DuPont Tournament!  Mission Trails Devil Rays battled till the end in the Championship game but came up a run short.

Carol Hill
2025 DDM Tournament Director
CA District 33 Little League Baseball

2025 Clay Berry Invitational Tournament

Thursday, April 10th thru Sunday, April 13th 2025
 Rolando Little League & Serra Mesa Little League
CBI Rules: 2025 CBI Rules rev3/12 (.pdf) 
CBI Brackets: 2025 CBI Brackets (.xlsx)

The 17th Annual Clay Berry Invitational Tournament will take place Thursday, April 10th thru Sunday April 13th, 2025 for our Major division players. This year the tournament will be held at Rolando Little League and Serra Mesa Little League. All Coaches and Managers must have met the clinic requirements for District 33 tournament play to eligible to be on the field. This year we are proud to announce the following leagues that will be participating in the Clay Berry Invitational:

Rolando - Chollas Lake - Allied Gardens - Tierrasanta - Serra Mesa - San Carlos - La Mesa National - Mission Trails

2025 Gary Shira Memorial Juniors Tournament

Thursday, April 24th thru Sunday, April 27th, 2025
Locations: North Park LL, Sunshine LL, Serra Mesa LL & Patriot League
GSM Rules: 2025 GSM Rules (.pdf)
GSM Brackets:  
 2025 GSM Brackets (.xlsx)

The Gary Shira Memorial Juniors Tournament will be held on April 24th thru April 27th, 2025. Games will be played at North Park LL - Dupre Real Estate Field, 2221 Morley Field Dr. San Diego CA, 92104, Sunshine LL - 4402 Federal Blvd, San Diego, CA 92105, Serra Mesa LL - Field 1, 8306 Hurlbut Street San Diego CA, 92123 and Patriot League - Shira Field, 7001 Murray Park Drive, San Diego, CA 92119. The following teams will play in this year's Gary Shira Memorial Juniors Tournament.

North Park Cobras - Patriot League River Cats - Sunshine Aztecs - Patriot League Jumbo Shrimp - Chollas Lake Caniacs - Patriot League Shore Birds  - Serra Mesa Gambit - Tierrasanta Cardinals


2025 Intermediate Mid-Season Tournament

Monday, April 28th thru Saturday, May 3rd, 2025
Locations: North Park LL & Sunshine LL
GSM Rules: 2025 IMS Rules (.pdf)
GSM Brackets:  
 2025 IMS Brackets (.xlsx)

The Intermediate Mid-Season Tournament will be held on April 28th thru May 3rd, 2025. Games will be played at North Park LL - Dupre Real Estate Field, 2221 Morley Field Dr. San Diego CA, 92104 and Sunshine LL - 4402 Federal Blvd, San Diego, CA 92105.  The following teams will play in this year's Intermediate Mid-Season Tournament.

Sunshine Storm - North Park Goats - North Park Vipers - Sunshine Renegades - North Park Royals - Mid City Chupacabras  - Sunshine Toreros - North Park Coyotes 


2025 District Awards Dinner

Saturday, May 3rd, 2025
Time: 6:00pm to 10:00pm
 $65 per person
Flyer: 2025 D33 Dinner Flyer (.pdf)

 Riverwalk Golf Club

Our annual District 33 Awards Dinner will be held on May 3rd beginning at 6:00pm at the Riverwalk Golf Club located at 1150 Fashion Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92108. Cost is $65.00 per person. Most leagues cover the cost for their board and District Service Award recipients to attend.

Complementary parking will be provided. Join us for dinner and lots of fun! This year's theme will be “Masquerade”.  A Cash bar (no cards) will also be available. A raffle for gifts donated by our leagues and 50/50 will be held. We will also be giving out our District Awards to the very deserving recipients. So please plan on attending this special event. Please contact your local league for more details on how you can attend.

Leagues - Please RSVP by Monday, April 14th to  [email protected]Please bring your league check to the District meeting.

Hope to see you there!

Angela Engquist
Events Coordinator
California District 33

2025 District Service Award Recipients

District Service Awards are given to individuals nominated by their league that has several years of outstanding service to their league as well as having impacted the District by serving the other leagues in some capacity, usually by being involved in tournaments or something district wide. District Service Awards are usually given out on the League's Opening Day or Team Announcement Night. The rest of the District awards are presented at our annual dinner in May. The 2025 District Service Award recipients are...

Vanessa Teachout, Mission Trails Little League
received her award from Clay Berry, District Administrator
& Randy Herold, President of MTLL


Cory Hazlewood, San Carlos Little League
received his award from Nancy Hemmings, District Player Agent

Brian Murphy, Patriot League
received his award from Clay Berry, District Administrator

KMLL Merging with SMLL

Kearny Mesa Little League has been faced with many concerns over the past few years. KMLL was the smallest league in our district. With small registration numbers, a low volunteer base and their baseball program limited, the board determined that it would be best for Kearny Mesa Little League to merge with Serra Mesa Little League. The biggest winners from this merger are the players and their families. There will be more teams in each age group and better opportunity for all kids to play with and against their friends at home games. Serra Mesa Little League has opened 

their arms and fields with love and have embraced the merge with KMLL.

Combining forces for the upcoming 2025 Spring season will benefit the entire Kearny Mesa community by providing greater opportunities with access to a larger volunteer support organization, more and stronger baseball programs and expanded development opportunities. There are many unknowns but mostly great opportunities with this merge. More field space, more families and best of all more baseball.

2025 Mandatory Training and Certifications

Requirements for the 2025 Spring Season, anyone who has contact with the players has to be an official Little League Volunteer. Here is the list of background checks and training you will need to complete in order to become a Little League Volunteer.

* Complete JDP Background Check
* Complete CA Live Scan
* Complete LITTLE LEAGUE Abuse Awareness Training
* Complete CDC Concussion Training
* Complete Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training
* Complete Little League Diamond Leader Training (Coaches)
* Attend a local league Coaches & Safety Clinic (Coaches)

New for 2025: 
All Volunteers are required to take Little League Abuse Awareness Training annually. No longer accepting USA Baseball or SafeSport. 

Volunteers will need to be certified once in Concussion Protocol and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Protocol. This requirement has not changed.

Managers and Coaches are required to attend a Coaches and Safety clinic in order to be on the field with the players.

All training 
must be completed before any engagement with the players.  If you fall into one of these categories, you are required to produce the mandatory certificate showing that you have completed the required protocol. Managers/Coaches, please save and carry each of the certification certificates in your team binder.  All volunteers should carry a hardcopy or an electronic copy with them to all game/practice sites.

If you have any questions in regard to this required training, please ask your League President or me. 

Clay Berry 
District Administrator 
CA District 33 Little League Baseball

Little League Abuse Awareness Protocol: (Yearly for All Volunteers)

1. (a) All Volunteers must complete the Abuse Awareness training annually provided by Little League. No longer accepting USA Baseball or SafeSport. All managers and coaches must carry documentation in their team binders that the course has been completed for the current year. All volunteers should carry a hardcopy or an electronic copy with them to all game/practice sites.

2. Please sign into your account at Abuse Awareness Training to complete your training.

Diamond Leader Training Program: (Required Once)

All Regular & Post Season Managers and Coaches are required to complete the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program prior to any contact with the players participating in any practices or games.

This program focuses on ensuring children have a positive, well-rounded experience on and off the field, this program is a FREE educational resource that provides coaches with an understanding of the impact that mental, social, and emotional well-being has in youth sports through detailed information, interactive scenarios, and a variety of additional resources.

Here is the link to the Diamond Leader training course....

Concussion Protocol: (Required Once)

1. (a) California law requires that all volunteers, including managers/coaches, administrators and officials must complete an online concussion training at least once before supervising youth athletes; a certificate from a prior season is valid for this season. It takes only about 30 minutes to complete the training.


2. A concussion and head injury information sheet must be signed by both the athlete and a parent/guardian before the athlete initiates practice or competition. An existing form from the 2020 spring may be used if it’s available. The signed sheet must be carried with the player’s medical release and code of conduct form.

The online Concussion Protocol Training is at:

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Protocol: (Required Once)

AB379 now requires the same protocols used for concussions in youth and high school sports to be used to help protect young athletes participating in school and community youth sports organizations from sudden cardiac arrest—the #1 killer of young athletes. Community youth sports organizations include an organization, business, nonprofit entity, or a local governmental agency that sponsors or conducts amateur sports competitions, training, camps, or clubs in which persons 17 years of age or younger participate.

The online Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Training is at:


USA Baseball Logo

As of January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard was implemented. USABat Standard bats must be used in the Little League Major Baseball Division and below. Either USABat Standard bats or BBCOR bats must be used at the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball and Junior League Baseball Divisions. At the Senior League Baseball Division, all bats must be meet the BBCOR standard.


USABat Standards - Decertified Bats:

The Easton Ghost X 30/20 YBB18GX10 and LL18GHX 30/20 2 5/8” has been decertified by USA Baseball and is no longer an approved bat under the USABat Standard. This applies to the 30” (-10) length of the Ghost X YBB18GX10 and LL18GHX. All other certified lengths and drops of the Easton Ghost X USABat remain approved for play.

The BBCOR decertification process has been implemented on the following bat(s): 


·          Louisville Slugger Meta 33-inch 2020 model


·          Reebok - Vector TLS 33-inch model


          Marucci - CAT5 Squared 34-inch model 


·        Marucci - CAT5 33-inch model


·        Marucci - Black 33 & 34 -inch models

Please note that images are for reference only and are not guaranteed that the bat model in question looks exactly as these internet supplied images portray.

Full details on de-certified bats can be found at: full list of approved bats can be found at

John Evans

Umpire in Chief
CA District 33 Little League Baseball

rev 6/4/2022